Monday 27 February 2012

Belated Sunday Summary

Last Monday we had a real treat; a visit to an Oddsocks production of The Merry Wives of Windsor. It sort of stuck to the story but went on its bizarre and very amusing way with Falstaff ending up in a Bendix washing machine at one point. The ad libbing was  hilarious and I left feeling a whole lot better than when I arrived :)

The weather turned warm towards the end of the week so we went for a walk in the Clent Hills where we had panoramic views of the Black Country connurbation on one side, and beautiful countryside on the other. It was glorious!
More importantly, Mr Prue managed to walk up a few steep hills in a way that he couldn't for months.

Colesbourne Park in the Cotswolds has a stunning display of snowdrops and other spring flowers at this time of the year.

I even managed to do some writing; revision of Mystery in Morocco is slow but steady. While I thought pulling out a whole chunk of story might cause a huge rewrite, I can now see that isn't the case. That was a great relief! More details can be seen on my writing blog.

Have a good week!

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