Friday 31 December 2010

End of the Year

This has been a year of many parts. The only one I'll mention is my Writing which has become very important to me.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote this on someone's blog in response to their post. I put it here because it is something I need to remember.

"A novel is like a pearl. It starts off as an irritant, a tiny piece of grit. Over time, layer upon layer upon layer is added to the grit and eventually a pearl begins to form and grow. Each one is different. Each one fashioned over time.

Of course, what I want to do is open a secret chest in my mind and fish out a handful of pearls all ready made; no effort, no sweat :)"

It reminds me I need to work at my writing, whether it's planning the outline, or working on a character, writing a scene or revising the work. Each part matters and each does not come right first time - at least, it doesn't for me :)

For 2011 I have one goal: to write.

What are your goals for the coming year?

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